Kelley Law Firm w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneKelley Law Firm



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2614, Main Street, 75226, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 972-850-0500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.782601, Longitude: -96.7946207

komentarze 5

  • lolo & nae nae nation

    lolo & nae nae nation


    They are as close to having family caring as you can get they really care about the well being of you and your family. This is my law family.

  • en

    Christene Tanksley


    Very professional and helpful. Hard to find parking.

  • NiCol Echols

    NiCol Echols


    Professional, driven, ethical, real people, that are always above board. At the Kelley Firm it's not just a job, but more like a ministry and the clients are more like family. You could not be in better hands. Keep up the great work KLF!

  • en

    Nate McLaughlin


    The Kelley Law Firm is a talented and professional group who are effective at representing their clients. Kelley Law has all the attributes one expects in a law firm. They are responsive, ethical and very effective. I wouldn't use anyone else.

  • Rod Rod

    Rod Rod


    Horrible is the way they treat their customers. I initiated an insurance claim on 8/30/2013 and received confirmation from insurance they had mailed Kelley Witherspoon the check on 9/18/2013. I have email them, call them, and they keep blowing me off. The secretary Amelia does not respond my emails or return my calls. It is now 1/16/2014, do the math. 4 months since they received a check and no contact. If they can't handle this type of cases I would Highly recommend to stay AWAY from them on Bigger Cases. Please Be advised. By the way the charge 33% of settlement and a hidden fee of $1,000 for paper work!! it's in their contract. BE AWARE!!

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