Kathy Karas-Pasciucco w Glen Rock

Stany ZjednoczoneKathy Karas-Pasciucco


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

65, Harristown Road, 07452, Glen Rock, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-791-4400
strona internetowej: fykglaw.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9505857, Longitude: -74.1438713

komentarze 1

  • jason karsen

    jason karsen


    Divorce Review: Kathy Karas-Pasciucco; FYK&G 5/30/16 Kathy is a knowledgeable attorney who possess a high level of integrity. She was able to handle my divorce which had complicated international, custody and equity issues. She is prompt in returning e-mails and calls. She has a great staff working for her. Billie-Jo Jones was able to successfully communicate and forward all sensitive details when she was unavailable. Kathy can be aggressive; if she has all the facts, but is also very tactful in sensitive situations. It is important to be an informed client. There was not much volunteered coaching. I took it upon myself to research custody guidelines and current trends in divorce outcomes. This helped me to keep costs down, but I would have liked to be better prepared. It is important to give her all E-mails and Texts that support your good behavior as well as your spouse’s bad behavior. My divorce started out as a collaborative divorce, but we never signed a collaborative agreement. My ex’s attorney thought she would get more by taking it to court; which was a surprise to both of us. There were false accusations and they tried to take everything. Kathy went to bat for me and I ended up with a settlement that was better than what I was originally seeking. She thought I could have gotten more; and was willing to take it to trial or appeal; if I was unsatisfied. Kathy understood my economic situation and worked for the best settlement without self interest. I would recommend her to anyone that can keep their side of street clean while going through a divorce; even if, the other side is making alarming accusations and being unreasonable. Jason

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