Karreen & Co w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneKarreen & Co



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1643, North Alvernon Way, 85712, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-327-4649
strona internetowej: www.karreenandco.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.242458, Longitude: -110.910236

komentarze 5

  • stefanie michels

    stefanie michels


    Karreen is very professional and explains the process well. She did permanent make up on me and I love the results.

  • en

    Kerry Hopper


    I've had Karreen create my permanent eye makeup several times over the years. She gives an incredible service beginning with instructions on how to prepare for the procedure and comfort and humor while it is being performed along with triple-checks in the mirror to make sure you like it. Included in the cost is a touch-up, which is a nice bonus. I LOVE the way she does my scanty eyebrows and will drive two states over to have her do them! She's the best--she seems to think of everything!

  • en

    Jennifer Wilson


    Today I had my first massage by Karreen. I am very particular about having the right pressure and techniques. I was so impressed by her skills. I'm happy to recommend Karreen to anyone. Her place is convenient and lovely. She is also talented at acupuncture and nails and permanent makeup.

  • en

    Dr. Jill Hunziker


    Karreen is an amazing and gifted individual..... I had my eyelids (eyeliner) and was terrified to say the least. I was amazed, she told me that I would love it, and she was absolutely correct. The best thing I ever did. She did a fabulous job, the only regret I have is not having it done sooner

  • Isabel Griesser

    Isabel Griesser


    Worth The Drive--I live in Gilbert and a friend recommended Karreen for my permanent makeup procedure. I was afraid at first, but Karreen told me how to prep prior to the procedure and it was almost painless and I wasn't stressed out. This was three years ago and the liner looks the same as the day she did it! It's such a time saver. I highly recommend her skills if you've been wanting to have it done. Thinking of doing my brows next!

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