Karma Spa Salon i East Northport

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526, Larkfield Road, 11731, East Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-368-2554
internet side: www.karmaspaandsalon.com
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Latitude: 40.8615881, Longitude: -73.3209611

kommentar 5

  • en

    miriam gelabert


    Very friendly atmosphere from the very first visit. My stylist moved to Florida after 30 years. It's been a rocky road searching for a new person that does it just right. My last app't with Nolleen has given me the color i want. We tried several different cuts and they were great. I went short for the first time. Today I try a new cut..

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    Calogero Costantino


    The most professional and courteous people

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    Kathleen Forte


    Thank you Noleen! Always makes me laugh when I come in. Thanks for putting up with my crazy hair styles 👍

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    Laura K


    I have been coming here for a year and very happy with Karma. Randi gives a great cut and styling advice when I ask. Reasonable prices, nice decor and welcoming staff.

  • Kelly Caporale

    Kelly Caporale


    Love Karma! Great haircut and highlights. Thanks Noeleen. From the moment I walked in today I felt welcomed. Four people asked me if I wanted water or coffee. Let's not forget the best hair wash and head massage from Taliya.

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