Kaplan, Victoria S - Victoria S Kaplan Pc i Oceanside

Forenede StaterKaplan, Victoria S - Victoria S Kaplan Pc


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2901, Long Beach Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-678-4055
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Latitude: 40.6405483, Longitude: -73.6395546

kommentar 2

  • Noel McKeon

    Noel McKeon


    We worked with Vicky and her team on the sale and purchase of our homes. She was very helpful and highly professional throughout the entire process. We had a few obstacles that popped up last minute and she was able to provide sound advice and point us to people who could assist us in finding the solutions needed. Her fees are reasonable and her services are great. I highly recommend her.

  • en

    Monica Altmann


    Working with Vicky was a pleasure, shes a true professional, and has a wonderful team supporting her. She's accessible after hours when needed, and I have enough faith in her to send clients her way, and she helped my family with a purchase and sale transaction. I highly recommend her for all my real estate clients transactions

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