Kalorama Park w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneKalorama Park


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1865, Kalorama Rd NW, 20009, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-673-7606
strona internetowej: dgs.dc.gov
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9202501, Longitude: -77.0447497

komentarze 5

  • Andra Lyn

    Andra Lyn


    Clean and maintained. GREAT for picnics and sunbathing.

  • Melissa O

    Melissa O


    A playground for all ages. The variety of play structures was different than any other playground around. Bring toys to play in the sand or just swing and slide on the different types of play areas.

  • Rich Bell

    Rich Bell


    It's a really nice little park that makes up a constellation of other parks in the area. This one stands out because it has a gated kids playground area, a few picnic benches, a basketball court, and a mix of shade from large trees and open space. There is also some kind of DC Recreation building (bathrooms!), but I've never been inside. The kids play area has 3-4 large jungle gym type features plus some stand alone stuff. There's usually a mix of people playing with kids or walking dogs from dawn to dusk.

  • en

    Tyler Pedigo


    Fantastic park. During the summer the mosquitos and gnats are unbearable on the lower side due to drainage issues, but otherwise kept very clean and safe. Be careful letting your dog off its leash, the staff will get after you for it.

  • beth peralta-reed

    beth peralta-reed


    The staff here is awful. The park is great though. The kids love it and for that reason I will keep coming back. When the kid I was with wanted to swing with me I was yelled at for swinging with them. If the swing can't hold my 145 pounds they have no business in a public park. I wasn't stopping a kid from swinging, there were only two other kids in the park at the time and they were on the slide and hammock. I have witnessed other care takers being yelled at too. there is no reason that care takers shouldn't be allowed to play with their children.

najbliższy Park

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