Kaiser Permanente Antioch Medical Center w Antioch

Stany ZjednoczoneKaiser Permanente Antioch Medical Center



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4501, Sand Creek Road, 94531, Antioch, Contra Costa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 925-813-6500
strona internetowej: healthy.kaiserpermanente.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.9508418, Longitude: -121.7749286

komentarze 5

  • C Jefferson Sr.

    C Jefferson Sr.


    Great care taken to insure my son was well cared for. I have a real appreciation for the staff there. They really looked out for my family. I'll be forever grateful for Kaiser Antioch Dear Valley.

  • C C

    C C


    By far the worst Kaiser visit I ever had and I have been with KP for years. From the person who took me back for my imaging, to the nurses talking about politics, right wing water pollution and how the new girl tries to hard to fit in. The appointment person on the telephone who sounded miserable to work for this company. I honestly changed insurance in the parking lot after my appointment. No wonder people have such negative impression. Kaiser needs to remember what patient care is, people dont like being treated as an "inconvenience " during very emotional times specially at medical offices. Kaiser you are a huge let down, goodbye!

  • Sarah Atchison

    Sarah Atchison


    Tonight was my first time coming to this Kaiser and I was really impressed and pleased with how kind everyone was….especially the ER staff. I didn’t know where the pharmacy was and I needed to get some medication for my daughter. They were super nice with showing me where to go which I truly appreciated.

  • Ted Ch

    Ted Ch


    Very large facility. Lots of parking, but make sure you know which building is your destination. Staff is friendly and helpful. Signs are good for vax locations. (flu or COVID) Day surgery is well planned and scheduled. On site cafeteria for snacks or lunch.

  • Melissa Clark

    Melissa Clark


    I gave birth to my daughter here last week, and my husband and I still cannot stop telling all of our friends and family about how amazing one of our L&D nurses was, Julia. She saved our daughters life! Our birth went a complete opposite direction then we had planned/hoped but Julia’s support and knowledge and simple explanations of things made us feel so much more at ease and confident about everything going on. I never got a chance to see her again in person to thank her before we were discharged, but she truly made our experience and we will never forget her! I am so glad we ended up having our daughter at this hospital instead of the Walnut Creek location.

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