Kahveology Coffee en Portland

Estados UnidosKahveology Coffee



🕗 horarios

1625, Southeast Bybee Boulevard, 97202, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 503-232-0000
sitio web: www.kahveology.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 45.473862, Longitude: -122.6492009

comentarios 5

  • Sam Brier

    Sam Brier


    Good coffee, bagels, pastries and laid back. It's quiet and had good space. I have my meetings here.

  • Sasha Narayan

    Sasha Narayan


    Good coffee, great decor and location. Good for studying for a few hours. Baristas and staff are super Portland...

  • en

    Michael Towne


    Worst service I've ever had in a coffee shop. Baristas there act as though it's an inconvenience to place an order as it disrupts their personal cell phone time or whatever non-work related conversation their having with another barista. Plus their coffee is garbage and they have no idea on how to pull a proper espresso shot. There are plenty of better coffee shops in the Sellwood area.

  • Scary Lary

    Scary Lary


    Great coffee shop, which also has damn good foods. I usually don't consider myself a selective coffee drinker, I mean hell I drink it black sometimes. But I usually ask for something custom here as they are more than happy to oblige and make it happen.

  • Patrick Dehler

    Patrick Dehler


    I am a former employee here, so take that for what it is worth, but I think this is one of the best places in the neighborhood to hang out. When it is slower in the evenings, this shop is very quiet and conducive to working, reading, or studying. The baristas are sometimes short staffed, which can translate to less customer service during rushes, but all the folks who work here are very friendly and conversational and will take care of you.

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