K & AW Auto Repair en New York

Estados UnidosK & AW Auto Repair


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11231, Springfield Boulevard, 11429, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-465-0882
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.704684, Longitude: -73.73966

comentarios 5

  • Alci Durden

    Alci Durden


    Listen let me tell you about K... this guy does work for a fair price... he will never over charge you, and tell you the truth about the work he can and cannot complete and negotiate prices on that. I've been going here for a while, this place is a great addition to the community.

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    Mr. Hill


    Kayian fixed my car in minutes after some guys at another shop took it apart and couldn't find the problem. These guys know their stuff.

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    Carlyn Hughes


    Very comfortable leaving my car in their hands. Bought my car back to life...much thanks to Kaiyan and Baker! Good work at a reasonable price, I'm glad to have found this shop. I would definetly recommend them. See you Feb for my State Inspection!

  • DeAndre walters

    DeAndre walters


    Kayian the real MVP. Continues to work on my vehicle when needed and always has fair prices. Upfront, honest and can always be trusted. Does a hell of a job

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    Alaya A.


    Absolutely the best mechanic by far! I am a young woman, so many places try to take advantage of my lack of knowledge of my vehicle, it's parts, and maintenance needs. Kaiyan is absolutely fantastic! This is my second time coming to him, and I will never go to anyone else, not even my dealership! I had everything from body work, to wheel alignment, balancing, changing of air filters, just to name a few. I absolutely trust him, I never feel mislead or ripped off as I feel with everywhere else I've been to! Don't think twice go see him! He's also very easy to talk to, easy to contact, and pretty fast in my eyes. 10 STARS! - Alicia

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