Julia Nosov, DDS i Wantagh

Forenede StaterJulia Nosov, DDS



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3305, Jerusalem Avenue, 11793, Wantagh, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-826-3300
internet side: www.nosovcosmeticdentistry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.693665, Longitude: -73.509799

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Langer

    Matthew Langer


    Dr. Nosov is both caring and professional. Her work and manner are exemplary, I recently had a root canal and I am very happy with the results. I highly recommend her to my family and friends.

  • en

    Carmine Rizzo


    Absolutely phenomenal dentist, very nice and professional, friendly and courteous and always willing to give you good service and care.

  • en

    Cari-Ann Linker


    Great Dental Practice. Dr. Nosov is so pleasant & is always so thorough not only with the treatment but explaining any issues. Her office staff is very pleasant as well & the office runs punctual so there is never a wait!!

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    Harley Nemzer


    Great Dentist who is respected by others in the field (My Perio is very picky!) Gives very useful advice about mouth care and is very gentle.

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    Richard Peteka


    Dr. Julia Nosov is highly skilled and a perfectionist. Her entire practice is top notch and well-organized. I moved to Suffolk County but will keep going back to Wantagh whenever I need dental work done.

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