JR's Bar & Grill w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneJR's Bar & Grill



🕗 godziny otwarcia

808, Pacific St, 77006, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-521-2519
strona internetowej: jrshouston.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7469462, Longitude: -95.3901385

komentarze 5

  • Arturo Soto Jr

    Arturo Soto Jr


    Great atmosphere. Good drink specials, friendly service and good music

  • en

    Rene Hernandez


    Excellent service and music is admitted low in volume but by far the best gay bar in town

  • Larissa Hardman

    Larissa Hardman


    For all of the ups this bar has there are many downs. I’ve been here many of times and have became friends with those who work there, so this has nothing to do with those who work there. Bartenders are wonderful. Management, they have lost my card and stalked me to me car. I literally had a drunk manager (Darren) yelling in my face and yelling at many others in the face and not letting anyone out the door unless he was ordering uber for them on there phones. He was so wasted he is just snatching phones like it’s his belongings. Darren pretended we ran over his toe(after two drinks) so we would call an uber.. I told him I was about to call the cops on his belligerent self so I could go home.

  • en

    Mayra Rodriguez


    Lovey place, out door lounge, in door game room, up stairs grill. Day or night such a lively atmosphere for relaxing or socializing day or night.

  • IVY Knowles

    IVY Knowles


    Derick the owner is very inconsistent and inconsiderate. I was assuaulted by a group of men and I defended my life. He looked at the situation in the worst case possible and treated me and my friends like garbage (low class citizens as if we are a problem). A very non undersatnding and impatient bar owner . Did not even get to finish having our drinks we payed for before he had police escorting us out. Never again would ever want to go trough anything like this. This isn't what Montrose used to be. Just selfish morals and bad behavior now.

najbliższy Bar

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