Joyce Insurance Agency en Stony Point

Estados UnidosJoyce Insurance Agency



🕗 horarios

2 Joyce Plaza, Stony Point, NY 10980, США
contactos teléfono: +1 845-942-7200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.218612, Longitude: -73.986676

comentarios 5

  • en

    Shari Stropoli


    At first I was surprised when I asked for an insurance quote and was able to save over 50% on my home and auto insurance. Now after 3 years I am grateful for the dedicated service Joyce Insurance provides my family. When my family had been in an automobile accident this agency helped us though the claims process and secure a rental car during a busy holiday weekend. They were easy to reach with any questions I had and even returned calls after business hours. Knowing that we can rely on them for the help my family needed afforded me peace of mind. That kind of service is priceless! I would recommend this business in a heartbeat! Call for a free quote, they WILL exceed your expectations!

  • Mike Maher

    Mike Maher


    I wanted to write a comment about my experience working with Barnaby. I found Mr. Joyce through Dave Ramsey’s website. I was looking for a cheap personal training insurance quote. He found a quote that was cheaper than what he could personally offer through his company and he had the integrity to tell me so I could get the best deal. When an insurance agent is this honest you know you are working with someone you can trust. This act of kindness will come back around as I will be referring people to him and using him in the future for business. I highly recommend Mr. Joyce. Thank you for being an outstanding individual. -Mike Maher, Brooklyn, NY.

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    Kristin Barnes


    I've been a customer for many, many years and have always been more than satisfied with the customer service I receive from all of the staff at Joyce Insurance! Phone calls and emails are responded to in such a timely and thorough manner they make you feel like you are their only customer! Questions and concerns are always explained in language that makes sense. I have never regretted my choice to go with Joyce Insurance. HIGHLY RECOMMEND them for all of your insurance needs!

  • en

    Lee Waxenberg


    We used Joyce Insurance when we purchased our new home in Irvington, NY and could not be happier. Barnaby reviewed all of our insurance and saved us money on both our home & auto insurance. The office is a pleasure to deal with and always responsive when we have questions. Highly recommend.

  • Jill Berroth

    Jill Berroth


    Barnaby is not only a great insurance professional that can guide you to the best policy, but so involved in the North Rockland community. I really enjoy doing business with him and his team!

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