Joseph A Loboda III DMD i Butler

Forenede StaterJoseph A Loboda III DMD



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1395, New Jersey 23, 07405, Butler, Morris County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-492-8100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.995638, Longitude: -74.35244

kommentar 5

  • Michael Hauck

    Michael Hauck


    Dr.Loboda and his staff are excellent! Always professional, knowledgeable and making sure you get the best care. Highly recommended:)

  • en

    Lucille Lacouture


    I love this office. Great staff, and a wonderful dentist. I would highly recommend.

  • en

    Deborah Bello


    If going to the dentist has always been difficult for you, then this is the office for you. Dr. Loboda and his staff are so welcoming that it puts you at ease. My whole family feels comfortable going to the dentist now knowing that we are receiving top notch care in a peaceful environment.

  • en

    Dana Coviello


    I just started going to Dr. Loboda a few months ago after moving and searching for a new dentist. My colleagues at work highly recommended the office and I now know why. The office staff is welcoming and professional. They are extremely accommodating when I bring my child. They were understanding when I got extremely ill before an appointment and had to reschedule. They also accept my insurance, which at the end of the day is probably the strongest deciding factor. Like my colleagues, I highly recommend this office to anyone and everyone.

  • en

    Elaine Wooten


    I would highly recommend Dr. Loboda and his staff. I have had four office visits and each time they made me feel at ease and very cared for. Diane, the hygienist is super gentle and really thorough. Lisa, the office manager, is very knowledgeable and helpful with all of my insurance questions. I believe you will find this office to be very caring and accommodating to your schedule.

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