Jos. A. Bank w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneJos. A. Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1200, 19th Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-466-2282
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9059769, Longitude: -77.043694

komentarze 5

  • en

    Quintin Stewart


    It was a good experience. I had a lot of help and they gave a professional look.

  • en

    Liam Connolly


    I have worked around this location for the better part of 17 years. They have saved my bacon on so many occasions. I spilled coffee on my shirt before a big meeting, walked in they had me in a new shirt, had it pressed and out the door in a matter of minutes. I was in a suit and got invited to a Nationals game in the summer, walked in got shorts, a polo shirt, and some casual socks and out the door in no time. I have bought about 20 suits there over my time with them and all the experiences have been great. I will be the first to admit that some of the staff changes over and there are some that are there for a pushy sale. Arthur "Art" has been there forever, and I will tell you that I would trust him with anything. He gets to know you, what you are looking for, and knows the fits and materials of every suit and piece of clothing in there....and he never forgets a face! So many people are looking for the quick walk in and walk out, but in order to get a suit that feels good and fits right, you need to spend a little time, so be patient. You are not buying a Big Mac at McDonalds! For the product, the price is worth it. I have tried Mens Wharehouse and K&G (Nightmare!), and others, and Joseph A. Bank is tops.

  • Drew Koschel

    Drew Koschel


    Service and the sale pricing couldn't be a better value for men looking at nicer clothes.

  • Francesco Pistorio

    Francesco Pistorio


    Good suit deal for me I work as an Company Executive...I will return for another day for a four suit to buy...!!!

  • Paul Bartow

    Paul Bartow


    I recommend Joseph A Bank to my friends looking for a proper wardrobe. Recently, Joseph A Bank is merging with Men's Warehouse, which limits some of their great classic sales. The suit and blazer selection is excellent. I have bought everything here from corduroys, a tuxedo, sport shirts, cedar wood trees, and shoes. In the past, they have had a great sale on business shirts - 3 for $99. It is a great deal, just make sure to get the slim fit as the other shirts billow quite badly. The service is quite nice. If you sign up for the Bank Rewards Program, you get $50 for every $500 you spend. The tailoring is reasonably priced ($15 for tapering pants), and the sales associates associates are very polite. The only thing holding me back from a 5 star is the dressing rooms. There are clothing pins everywhere, be very careful.

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