Jonathan Adler w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneJonathan Adler



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1267, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, 20007, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-965-1416
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9066791, Longitude: -77.062852

komentarze 5

  • en

    henry castellon


  • Simona



    Great place

  • en

    Annabelle Cusp


    Well, I was fascinated by everything in the store. Bought every item in my living room from JA including art work and wall accessories. The following points are reasons for not going back to buy from JA even though they have continuous discounts on everything throughout the year. 1- The delivery took weeks longer than stated on the receipt. 2- the fact that you can Not return anything back even though when bought online and as a customer you have the right to return things that you did not see in person by law. They don't grant you this right I am not asking for money back I am asking for exchange and that is even out of question at JA 3- the staff at George Town store are snobby and treat you badly in particular a blond who acts like a store manager there- she treated me like she was a school principle! I asked her to 'chill' and act like the brand she was representing- obviously I received this treatment when I was buying $3000 chair from her store I am going to spend my money somewhere else where I can get more rights and be treated nicely It is a shame because they have nice things

  • Jaspar Justesen

    Jaspar Justesen


  • en

    Shirley Tran


    i have a friend that works for jonathan adler and i think that it is such a fun store to walk around look at very cool furnishings. it is a great store!

najbliższy Sklep meblowy

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