John's Pizzeria & Restaurant w Mastic Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneJohn's Pizzeria & Restaurant



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351, Neighborhood Road, 11951, Mastic Beach, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-281-9828
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7629009, Longitude: -72.8560223

komentarze 5

  • en

    Destiny Scalera


    Low key best service from all employees and even the gay guy (dan) behind the counter




    Fairly nice pizzeria.. Could use some improvement on atmosphere and food preparation.. Food is good but could be great.. Nobody should settle for just good.

  • Mindya PsandQs

    Mindya PsandQs


    My favorite place to get pizza ! Great prices on everything too !

  • en

    Kay Mills


    How are there so many good reviews on here???? Whats going on???? Yeah yeah the owners are nice but did these same people finesse your taste buds so well to leave a good review? The pizza is just so ugh. First off... Its not cooked how it supposed to be... I should pick up my slice like a REAL new yorker (because lets face it we are in ny) and not have it slap my wrist sadly. It is so under done its ridiculous. Sogggyyy. The cheese and sauce doesn't even taste that good either. They heat up their already cooked pinwheels in the microwave!! Not the dang oven. Like what? Garlic knots are sad. Balls of hard dough with loads of uncooked garlic swimming in oil. Im seriously not even being rude it is what it is people. Their pasta dishes.... Suck. Like c'mon people why are you blowing this place up? People from queens coming here... No way. I eats and if you wanna pick up a cheap pie for your family on a busy night... Well there you go. That's why I gave it 3 starts because im guilty of giving my family mediocre pizza in a blue moon. But IF your trying to have some great NEW YORK pizza. Not the place. Sorry.

  • Frank Clementi

    Frank Clementi


    One of my personal top 5 pizza's in the state. I found out their secret is due to all ingredients being made fresh on premises. For example, almost 98% of all New York pizza spots order from one of three pizza food distributors that supply them with boxes, menu's, cheeses (graded by quality), toppings and canned sauces. The better pizza spots stick with basic essentials and order their bulk meats from local butcher shops where the best of the best actually make their own sauces and cheese on premises. Although I have yet to find one who churns their own mozzarella cheese, this place comes the closest in homemade ingredients such as hand stirred sauces and meatballs sliced by hand!

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