John Lepore, CPA i Massapequa

Forenede StaterJohn Lepore, CPA



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4220, Merrick Road, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-297-3708
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6666217, Longitude: -73.4774167

kommentar 3

  • en

    A Nonymous


    John is an amazing CPA! He is so kind, generous with his time and really zeros in on your own specific needs. He has great advice, and he's reliable. I've had other experiences through the years with other CPA's and larger companies such as HR Block and John Lepore is far better. He is an expert. His price is competitive and extremely fair. He is not only an amazing business man but he has a heart of gold, which in today's world is hard to find. Accommodating, personable and caring, I've found a gem in John, and hope when tax season comes around he continues to be my CPA throughout the years. I highly recommend John Lepore for all of your tax needs, please use his services!!!! Thanks John for everything, you've made a lasting impression on me I couldn't be more thankful for!

  • en

    Karen A


    I have worked with John Lepore for 20 years now. Hard working, trust worthy, great CPA. Really does a terrific job.

  • Michael DeBiase

    Michael DeBiase


    John is very professional, honest and informative. I've worked with him for several years and appreciated his willingness to teach me things he has learned throughout his career. His pleasant personality is a definite plus.

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