John J. Burke Jr., DDS w Yorktown Heights

Stany ZjednoczoneJohn J. Burke Jr., DDS



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3505, Hill Boulevard, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-243-0803
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.326521, Longitude: -73.802869

komentarze 5

  • en

    rachelle porteus


    Myself and my three boys have been patients of Dr.Burke for over 3yrs now and we just Love him ! He's professional, caring,and very gentle. Always takes the time to throughly explain whats going on and to answer any questions . The office is clean and beautiful and the staff is great too ! Everyone is so friendly .I would definitely recommend Dr.Burke

  • en

    Israel Cortes


    After visiting Dr. J. Burke's office, my confidence in professional care is restored. My phobia of awful sounding machines, lack of communication and ill sense of care has been nullified. I was met with courteous, friendly staff with great smiles, I might add and the experience was no comparison to nightmarish ones from my past. I strongly recommend this practice to anyone seeking quality, convenience and a positive experience. Tammy Acevedo, who is their amazing office manager, will schedule you at a time convenient for you.

  • Antonia Buissereth

    Antonia Buissereth


    Dr. Burke and his team saw my 2 year old son son for his first dentist appointment; it was a great experience for my son and I. My son cant wait to go back!

  • en

    Kenneth Novenstern


    Dr. Burke is meticulous in addressing my dental needs. He spends the time necessary to insure that everything is done properly, at the same time being considerate of my comfort. His fees are always reasonable.

  • Alfonsina Rosinsky

    Alfonsina Rosinsky


    I have never met a dentist like Dr. Burke. He and his staff are so on point and nice as can be. They answered every question with a smile and in a caring way. I can't say enough about Dr Burke. He explained every step of the way. And treated me with respect and care. He was very careful that I didn't experience any pain. I told him I felt like a celebrity and I did. They have state of the art equipment that I didn't even know existed. I usually don't even do reviews but I just had to this time.

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