John Grana - State Farm Insurance Agent w Carmel Hamlet

Stany ZjednoczoneJohn Grana - State Farm Insurance Agent



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17, Fair Street, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-225-5508
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.427652, Longitude: -73.677752

komentarze 5

  • Kim Hilderbrandt

    Kim Hilderbrandt


    John went above and beyond for my family. The entire team was caring and polite every time I called or stopped in. I could not recommend them with more sincerity.

  • en

    Angelica Gregory


    Jeff Xenakis went out of his way to help me & gave me a fantastic rate!!! He also helped me learn more about insurance and explained everything to me so I understood everything I was paying for and how I could save more money. He's the best & I love State Farm!!!!!!

  • en

    Belinda Harkins-Mattice


    I have had State Farm insurance since I was 16 years old! I had John Grana Sr. As my agent. And now we have the honor of his son. They are the best insurance company (agent) around. You will not find anyone nicer or personable than there team.

  • en

    John Darby


    I HIGHLY recommend John Grana for all your insurance needs!! After a very bad experience with another agency and agent I found John and it's been nothing but heaven since. I find his rates very fair if not below market - and his customer service OUTSTANDING. He seems to always have my best interests at heart. Always available to take my calls and willing to take the time to answer in detail any questions I have. JUST A GREAT GUY!

  • en

    Rmcs gmail


    Let me start by saying that as the owner of a service business, I am pretty tough to impress when it comes to service. John and his staff impress me on a regular basis and we are a pretty demanding company. I finally switched to them for my personal insurance after realizing that you will NOT get personal service from some of these other companies when you need it most (I was using progressive, and the pricing changed all of the time and I could never get a person on the phone). With John and Co. you get the same folks all of the time and they are available when you need them. AND the pricing is great!!!! I recently had my mother switch over to John after being with Metropolitan for about 40 years. Let me say this....try one of the online brokers for a your rates change all of the time (never in your favor), and see just how impossible it is to get someone when you need them. Yeah, they are easy to sign up with, but forget it when you need them. And the prices ALWAYS start out great ,,,but they go up and quick. For the person who wrote the negative review here...they must never dealt with any insurance agent before...ever. John is a sweetheart and is totally for the customer 100%.

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