John C. Hart Memorial Library w Shrub Oak

Stany ZjednoczoneJohn C. Hart Memorial Library



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1130, East Main Street, 10588, Shrub Oak, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-245-5262
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.330126, Longitude: -73.8294062

komentarze 5

  • en

    James Connolly


    Not Great place to study. Very loud environment. Definitely don't come on Tuesdays they do Medicare counseling with elderly people who have no indoor voice. Nice library otherwise.

  • en

    Kali Isa


    It was soooo peaceful and pleasant. Staff was very helpful and happy. Made me happy and at ease. I was just passing by. A visitor. I loved the desk by one of the windows with a view of the leaves changing.

  • Julia Diana Robertson

    Julia Diana Robertson


    Sharron one of the librarians pulled the plug on my computer just as I was about to publish an article to the Huffington Post. I can only assume she didn't like the content of my LGBT article, as she stood behind me the entire time I was uploading.. and although the library was closing I was still within the allotted time frame. As she rushed me, I told her "okay, I'm done. I just have to hit upload" and then, just as I was about to hit upload, she said "No!" and turned the computer off. Poof! The entire article was gone. She did not let me log out of my Huffington Post account. I asked her several times to allow me to log out. She said "no." She said it would automatically log out. Why then tonight have I discovered one of my LGBT articles has been removed from the Internet?! Shannon rounded up a group of four more librarians who immediately took her side and bullied me out of the front door. I pleaded to log out. They all wouldn't listen. One of them secretly whispered (when the others weren't in earshot) that she totally understood where I was coming from. it was a clear case of discrimination and my personal information was compromised as a result. I've called Patricia (library director) twice and she has not responded.

  • Jess Phoa

    Jess Phoa


    I love John C. Hart Memorial Library! I've been coming here since I was a young child when I was learning how to read. It has a lovely children's section with a ton of books, media resources, and nice seating areas. This library is also part of the Westchester Library system so if they didn't have a book I needed, I could always place a hold elsewhere and get it within a week or so!

  • en

    Pravin Sree


    It's wonderful to be able to live in a community with such a good library. Excellent collection of books and digital media aside, it's a peaceful place to spend a day reading. There are also several programs and activities for children and adults alike. Special mention is due to the friendly and helpful library staff. I make it a point to visit the library as often as time would permit.

najbliższy Biblioteka

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