John C. Flood w Brentwood

Stany ZjednoczoneJohn C. Flood



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4419, 41st Street, 20722, Brentwood, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-222-0751
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9422208, Longitude: -76.9500741

komentarze 5

  • Frank Dunn

    Frank Dunn


    Eric and James came this morning as scheduled to install a new hot water heater. They were pleasant, efficient, and professional. The work was done on time, fully explained, and absolutely no problems were encountered with the entire project. We are quite happy with the service we got from John Steward as well, who advised us in selecting the proper hot water heater for our needs.

  • Cathy Russell

    Cathy Russell


    Damon Hunter was exceptional. He installed 2 sinks in our commercial property bathrooms. He advised us that these types of sinks weren't made for this type of use but installed them anyways. He was professional, honest and very polite. Highly recommend him

  • Christopher French

    Christopher French


    Probably not the cheapest in town, but definitely an example of 'you get what you pay for'. We had to have a water main replaced which involved digging a massive hole in our front yard and tunneling under the porch and foundation. The crew was fast and efficient! Job was done in 2 days. The crew took absolutely every precaution they could to preserve as much of the landscaping as they possibly could. The work was done quickly and very well. We were pleasantly surprised to see the relatively good condition they left our yard in - even going so far as to replant plants were they were before, reposition flower pots, etc. ... far more than I ever expected of them. Can only highly recommend JC Flood. Very positive experience. Will definitely use their services for any future needs.

  • en

    George Kenney


    Eric did outstanding work. He quickly diagnosed the problem. He explained what he was going to do. He showed me the bits that weren't working and told me how he would adjust them. He completed the work professionally and efficiently, in under an hour. Total cost was much less than I'd anticipated. I've used John C. Flood before and I'll use them again. They are, in my opinion, the best plumbers in the DC area.

  • en

    June Murphy


    James was the technician that serviced my AC unit in my home today. He was pleasant, polite and approachable. He is a very knowledgeable person in his trade and was knowledgeable of the unit being serviced. He did a great job. Also, he was extremely patient with me and helpful at the end of the process when it was time to complete all paperwork and make the payment. Thanks James! Keep up the good work.

najbliższy Hydraulik

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