Joe Gruner Attorney w Tarrytown

Stany ZjednoczoneJoe Gruner Attorney



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303, South Broadway, 10591, Tarrytown, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-831-6250
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0665117, Longitude: -73.8638675

komentarze 4

  • en

    John Hartrey


    I have known Joe for a long time. Not only is he a great Lawyer but also a friend. He has helped my wife and I as well as my Mother -in-Law get our legal house in order from Wills, POA's, Health Care Proxy's, etc. He is always available to answer questions and give sound legal advice. I would recommend Joe to anyone who needs legal help or to understand planning for the future.

  • Lauren Goodwin

    Lauren Goodwin


    I couldn't recommend Joe Gruner more highly for his legal services. He helped me with a very difficult apartment closing in Brooklyn, and worked to defend my interests when the developer did not meet his contractual obligations. Joe is kind and professional, acting with the highest level of integrity. He also knows when to be tough and how to do it professionally. His wealth of experience is irreplaceable - no one situation is the same and he knows how to prepare his clients for all outcomes. We have had a simply excellent experience with Joe Gruner and I highly recommend his work.

  • Stuart Aion

    Stuart Aion


    Joe Gruner is a unique lawyer in that he puts your needs 1st. I would highly recommend Joe for any and all of your financial decision making in regard to your estate and wills. This is an easy referral.

  • Izzy G

    Izzy G


    Joe helped me get all my estate docs together. He made the process as easy as it could be, explained all the things I didn't understand (and there were many :-) so they made sense to me communicated well. He was a nice combination of compassionate and professional. Looking back, I'm so relieved to have that vital process completed

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