JOANN Fabrics and Crafts i Centereach

Forenede StaterJOANN Fabrics and Crafts



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191, Centereach Mall, 11720, Centereach, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-737-3616
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8621679, Longitude: -73.0827979

kommentar 5

  • Georgia Harris

    Georgia Harris


    We need a bigger store. Too small.

  • Sanjay Kapur

    Sanjay Kapur


    Catering to the low end of the hobby crafting market. They do have a large selection for instant gratification. They have a collection of brushes, canvases, oil and latex/acrylic paints. They also sell watercolor paints, gel and other pens, drafting supplies and craft supplies. They also have paint and art supplies for children. They also sell fabrics and quilting supplies.

  • en



    An A.C. Moore knock-off. Only with all generic, low-quality products and a dirty store. The single cashier was HORRIBLE. On top of it all? If you want to use a shopping cart? You have to put MONEY in it! Unbelievable. Went next door to Walmart. They had everything I needed...and unchained shopping carts.

  • yugvf



    They give you you're quarter back if you return the shopping cart. Joannes isn't a huge store so the quarter for a cart is to encourage people to bring the shopping carts back. The store is really clean and always stocked. Nice staff. 10/10

  • Nicole Francisco

    Nicole Francisco


    Ran into this store really quick to see if they had the cloth I wanted but unfortunately was unable to find it. I arrived really close to closing time so I didn't have much time to look around. They had a huge assortment and I'm sure if I had more time then I could definitely find something I wanted. I also saw that the had a large selection of yarn! I plan on coming back here when I have more time.

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