Jmr Garage en Bay Shore

Estados UnidosJmr Garage



🕗 horarios

214, North Fehr Way, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-940-3638
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7661119, Longitude: -73.2856773

comentarios 5

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    This is the best place to get your car aligned period. I’ve been to many alignment shops and a lot of them don’t even touch your camber or toe in the back of the car. These guys are perfectionists and even went as far as to put someone in the driver seat to get the weight perfectly and alignment dead on I haven’t seen attention to detail like this in a long time.

  • Mr. A Shinkarik

    Mr. A Shinkarik


    For your speed and perfromace needs for your tuner car or daily driver check these guys out. No stone left unturned and the service was affordable and accomodating.

  • Joe Garraffo

    Joe Garraffo


    Of course I ran over four nails while driving through Bay Shore. I did a quick search on Google and found JMR was relatively close to my location. The staff was super helpful and prices were very reasonable.

  • High Revs Media LLC

    High Revs Media LLC


    This is the spot to have your car customized

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    Angela Proton


    Highly recommended one of the best mechanics on Long Island

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