Jimmy's House w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneJimmy's House



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162, East 25th Street, 10010, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-725-7888
strona internetowej: www.jimmyshouseny.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7401525, Longitude: -73.9826897

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joy Yang


    Very authentic!!great food from Jiangsu Province and Shanghai!

  • Albert Gertskis

    Albert Gertskis


    Ate here multiple times. First time was decent (3/5) but the rest were terrible. Chicken is extremely dry. No sauce, no pork fried rice. Ask for sauces or pork fried rice in the online orders but I doubt they read those anyway since they can’t even give me sauce with their bland white rice. There are a ton of places around Baruch that are cheaper and the food tastes better.

  • Vy Nguyen

    Vy Nguyen


    My new favorite spot for quick but delicious lunch. I didn’t bother trying this place until a Chinese friend of mine suggested my bf and I to try it and the food here turned out to be our favorite! The dishes we ordered were the pork with bones and the chicken with rice. Both were amazing and rice portion was more than enough for our day. We came back immediately the next day and for sure we will keeping coming back again because it’s located right next door to our campus.

  • Ali Vidler

    Ali Vidler


    This was my first time here yesterday. My friend was coming to move furniture with me in the area and was hungry. On the way to get the car he asked for food options. I brought him through the area because third avenue and Baruch’s campus is full of food options that are on the more affordable side of things. We weren’t looking to spend much money and come to Jimmy’s House and looked at the menu. We figured it would work and ordered some pineapple chicken rice. We then had to leave and weren’t able to eat our food for about two hours. It held up well and didn’t make the car smell at all which is always a plus! The place itself is good for a quick place to grab food and go or eat there with only a few friends as it’s not a place where you are waited on. I do like the food and options they have so I would come back.

  • Mahir Abrar

    Mahir Abrar


    I always had a great experience, authentic Chinese and East Asian dishes. There is also a juice bar and boba tea place attached. The food is highly recommended.

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