Jim McLean Golf School at The Biltmore Hotel- World's #1 Golf School w Coral Gables

Stany ZjednoczoneJim McLean Golf School at The Biltmore Hotel- World's #1 Golf School



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1200, Anastasia Avenue, 33134, Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 305-591-6409
strona internetowej: www.jimmclean.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.740924, Longitude: -80.278723

komentarze 5

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    Jim, big thanks to you, Bobby, Joe, Brian, Keith, and Dita. The School was an amazing experience and I think a real break through for many of us. I know how much work and effort you guys put into making it such an amazing event for all of us. You all truly care to see us improve and obviously take great satisfaction from making it happen for us. You make us feel like tour players. The insights and take always were tremendous. I came away with a really clear plan of what I need to work on to get better : - better address position (less tilted); - good grip right hand palm pressure on left thumb to feel more connected and have better Club head feel and control through the swing; - lighter grip pressure through the entire swing with more relaxed body generally; - good connected take away with a full shoulder turn with left shoulder down and higher right elbow at the top; - accelerating through the ball to a full release; - short game, short game, short game; - focus on 12-18 inches past the hole for speed with putter. I really liked the way things were organized this year. Some personal highlights: - playing three amazing courses and the competition at Miami Golf Club (it was great to see how well everyone did under the added pressure of competition and everyone watching - really powerful and fun); - I really liked the on course strategy discussions - it was very powerful to describe out loud what I was planning to do on almost every shot and getting feedback on it (before or after); - reversing the schedule on the last day was brilliant and something that should be carried forward; - having a written plan of what I should work on; - the extra focus on the short game; - greater availability of TRACKMAN on the range (but I also completely agree with your comments about getting too numbers focused and missing the bigger picture); - an amazing dinner at Joe’s, along with great stories and laughs over the four days; - the added assistance of Brian on arrival and departure was very helpful, as well as Joe joining us for breakfast; - Dita’s restaurant recommendations were outstanding; Please convey our sincere thanks, gratitude and best wishes for the Summer to all. Regards, Steve & Molly

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    David Gooding


    amazing 3 days of coaching for daughter lily and myself with Grayson and Bobby. They were both easygoing and welcoming and then totally engaged in finding simple swing solutions for our challenges. wonderful place - love to see the facilities improved. bravo guys

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    Marvena M


    I am a huge fan of Mary who runs the kids golf clinics that we have been a part of. Mary is very patient with my son who has a passion for golf but as a 4yr old..is still gaining the maturity that comes with age. I’m sooo grateful that he will still be able to participate learning golf at his age so we don’t lose time while he matures. She is amazing! Keeps open communication and my son LOVES her! We are very happy and grateful for the Jim McLean Golf School

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    Tom Mellor


    I, too, like Jim below, was in Miami for a brief stay and took a 2 hour lesson from Martin and couldn't agree more with his assessment. He not only is a great, patient and helpful instructor, but a terrific person as well. We worked on several key elements on my swing for a while and then took it out on the course for a playing lesson which really gave me great insight to more detailed parts of the game. I loved the 2 hours I spent with Martin and they flew by. Congrats to Jim McLean for landing such a great talent and thank you Martin !!

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    J. S. Wade


    I was in Miami for a conference. I took a couple of hours to stop by the Miami Beach Golf Club facility for a lesson. I was lucky enough to be assigned to Martin Bartolome. In less than 10 minutes Martin identified my main faults. The key factor was too much grip pressure. We then worked on my short game which needed a lot of help. In addition to being a great golf teacher Martin is a terrific person. Joe Wade

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