Jiffy Lube en West Hempstead

Estados UnidosJiffy Lube



🕗 horarios

375, Hempstead Turnpike, 11552, West Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-481-3114
sitio web: nyc.jiffylube.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7049373, Longitude: -73.6532819

comentarios 5

  • en

    Paul O'Donnell


    They take advantage of people who don't know any better. Shame on you

  • Fast7 Family

    Fast7 Family


    Great service!! They are very friendly when it comes to using a coupon allowing us to save on our full synthetic oil change.

  • Dimas Arias

    Dimas Arias


    I came to West Hempstead Jiffy Lube because it’s close to my home and I had went to a jiffy lube location in Katy, Texas was impeccable. This location on the other hand do not fulfill what they claim to. I did a full synthetic oil change which they promised to top off all fluids and I washed my car for free but when I turn on my windshield wiper fluid nothing came out. They gave me a coupon to Wash my car for free which didn’t turn out to be free, the full synthetic oil change for my vehicle was $120 with 20% off which equals $97 when Chevy dealer does it for $50. Overall if I had a third hand, this place gets 3 thumbs down. 👎🏽

  • en

    Luis Tejeda


    You paying for something that you don't get, disappointed about jiffy lube in this location waiting room with no heat, bad signal tv, leaving that location with a sound in the blower of the heat.

  • Daniel Wunder

    Daniel Wunder


    I've been using this Jiffy Lube location religiously for years and they consistently do a good job. There are always coupons available online to help make the cost a bit more affordable. My only challenge here is that the some of the staff members are very courteous and some are not. Kind of luck of the draw I guess.

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