Jiffy Lube w Grand Prairie

Stany ZjednoczoneJiffy Lube



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3030, West Camp Wisdom Road, 75052, Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 972-522-0901
strona internetowej: jiffylubedallasftworth.jiffylube.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6486721, Longitude: -97.0583843

komentarze 5

  • Timothy Hulbert

    Timothy Hulbert


    Truck was leaking oil and their manager came to my house, filled it up, took it to the shop, replaced a gasket/plug for free and sent me on my way. All took less than and hour from the time I called to the time I left the shop. Amazing service and amazing customer care. I’ll never take my vehicles anywhere else!

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    Glen Rigney


    I use this particular Jiffy lube exclusively. They are fast and thorough. They always check the tires, vacuum the inside and clean the windows. All the while I am inside eating pop corn and drinking coffee.

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    Dwayne Renfroe


    Must have changed management. I used to get good service here. But lately they’ve started doing the high pressure sales pitch routine. Told me I needed a ton of routine maintenance that wasn’t inside of the dealer service guidelines. Pulled my cabin filter without me asking and when I said no to a $45 replacement for a $10 filter they just threw the old filter in the cavity instead of putting it back in the chamber correctly. They didn’t bolt up the flanges properly and lost a screw. I rode around without a filter for a week before I discovered their sloppy work and fixed it myself. On my sons car they showed him a dirty white air filter and told him he needed them to change it. His air filter is red not white. Shame on you guys. Jiffy Lube, you just lost all our business.

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    David Carbajal


    I bring my vehicles to this location because of my home proximity. I have always received good service and advice on vehicle requirements. Good morning staff.

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    J. Brown


    I came in February 1, 2018. This place totally scams people. 1st of all they have a salesperson you see after you check in. The salesperson comes to you and tries to tell you all these things that are wrong with your car. They tried to tell me that I needed a new tire and then they told me that they so tires. I went over to discount tires after I left and they said there's nothing wrong with my tire. While I was at Jiffy Lube I sat by the booth where the guy is talking to all the new customers coming in for an oil change and every single solitary person who came in he said they had some other issue other than getting an oil change. I would never recommend this place again and I would never go back

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