Jennifer Furniture w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneJennifer Furniture



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2400, Grand Concourse, 10458, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-933-9060
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8599306, Longitude: -73.8980417

komentarze 5

  • Giovanis Tovar

    Giovanis Tovar


    Came in and thanks to the help of sales man Alex Soto, I came out with a very good deal on a loveseat sofa. He even went out his way to help us move and load the furniture. Excellent customer service, 5 stars for Alex!!

  • en

    Claire L


    This is not a review on the showroom, but instead on web sales. I am shocked by the terrible customer service with them. I’ve been waiting 3 months for a table that was supposed to be delivered 2 weeks later. No one will respond to emails or phone calls. Do yourself a favor, save yourself frustration, and chose literally any other place for furniture.

  • Cliff Fong

    Cliff Fong


    Excellent place for all of your furniture needs.I got my bed from here at reasonable price.Quality of furniture was superb.

  • en

    Cyrena Cisneros


    The salesman at the store located on Fordham Road is very unprofessional, rude, unapologetic, etc. I was told that my furniture would be delivered on a certain day and would receive a call from both the warehouse and the stores salesman the day before to confirm delivery, that never happened I had to call them. Make a long story short they have no idea when my furniture is going to be delivered per the rude salesman Alex Soto. If you are ever considering a purchase from this location have someone else assist you or go to another location. With all of the money that is spent on furniture you should never have to go through headaches like I am experiencing with this place.

  • en

    Norma Turner


    The customer service experience was really good. The only problem is the warehouse took forever to notify the store that they no longer make the dresser we wanted. Everything else was good. I'm just waiting on my couch to be delivered now.

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