Jeffrey Kons, MD w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneJeffrey Kons, MD


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

201, North Illinois Street, 46204, Indianapolis, Marion County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 317-948-6161
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7703146, Longitude: -86.1593717

komentarze 3

  • en

    Peter Murphy


    Dr. Kons is the best doctor I have ever had. He is also excellent at teaching me things, so that I can really understand what is going on with my health, and that I understand the pros and cons of each of my options. I just see him once a year, but we spend 30-60 minutes together as he patiently and clearly answers all of my questions and concerns. He is a very special doctor.

  • Kayla Henry

    Kayla Henry


  • Elizabeth Askren

    Elizabeth Askren


    Dr Kons is the best doctor I have ever interacted with. He is literally a life saver, has saved me on several occasions. Dr Kons has identified two (in the process now of possibly three) diseases and issues underlying my long random list of presenting symptoms-things that countless other medical providers missed or dismissed for over 10 years. Dr Kons always makes me feel heard and considered, and has always respected my input and requests. t The same can be said for all of the staff that I've had the pleasure of interacting with in the practice, and everyone there seems happy to be there and enjoy their jobs, and always looking to be helpful. I now live almost an hour away from his office, but haven't once considered leaving his care. I'd travel much farther than an hour without complaint if necessary to continue in his care. He is a brilliant doctor, who displays continued and consistent curiousity in his field of study, is as compassionate as he is knowledgeable. I can tell he genuinely cares and seeks to be a lifelong student of medicine.

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