Stany ZjednoczoneJDM NEW YORK



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151-05B, 132nd Avenue, 11434, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-949-9449
strona internetowej: jdmnewyork.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6713867, Longitude: -73.7853288

komentarze 5

  • en

    Burt Kalin


    Got a qr25de for my 02 Nissan Altima and at first I was a little skeptical about buying a engine off the internet but I had no other choice and after a couple weeks I dropped the car off at the shop and just got it back and needless to say I'm very happy with it so far and even the shop that put the engine in even asked me where I got the engine from b.c he was surprised how clean the engine was inside and out. Anyone in need of a engine I highly recommend JDM new York fast shipping reasonable prices and so far good product.. Thank you JDM new York you guys saved me a lot of time and money.

  • en

    Johnny nikkor


    these guys are awesome. was running late on Saturday and they stayed open late for me. absolutely satisfied with my purchase and will come back again for future purchases

  • en

    Erika longheart


    got a motor 2 weeks ago from this place. installed it a few hours ago in my garage. no complaints yet. good motor

  • en

    danny sanchez


    Great prices, great location, great customer service, and a very strong technical support team. I came in a few days ago to purchase a motor and transmission. Not only did they do a compression test for me but they were kind enough to load the motor for me in my pick up truck. Would buy from again. 5 STARS

  • Suveer Seemangal

    Suveer Seemangal


    Great location, right off of the highway. I bought a really clean engine for my Honda Odyssey and they helped me over the phone with all questions regarding the swap. Just wanna thank the guys at the shop for helping me purchase the correct item as my car is running good as new. Would definitely recommend this place.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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