J.Crew Factory en Paramus

Estados UnidosJ.Crew Factory



🕗 horarios

1 Bergen Town Center #31, Paramus, NJ 07652, США
contactos teléfono: +1 201-291-0489
sitio web: stores.factory.jcrew.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9154565, Longitude: -74.059232

comentarios 5

  • TraveLogue #AyonSaha

    TraveLogue #AyonSaha


    Beautiful store with cute collections for adult and kids. The shirts are really cool and trendy. Great deals with great customer service too. I almost didn't want to leave cause I was stuck on what to buy.

  • Noa Levy

    Noa Levy


    Great store I get all my clothes there and the workers are very nice and helpful 😀

  • en

    Te-Sheng Lin


    Bigger than men’s store with everything 50% off in this holiday season. Prices are outlet store prices. They have limited on-sale clothes, basically, whatever they have, that’s it.

  • Jake J. Jeoun

    Jake J. Jeoun


    Worst customer service experience. Waited 30+ minutes on Friday to buy one pair of shorts. There were only 3 people in front of me with two counters open to handle customers, still took 30 minutes to handle 3 customers... There was this manager looking lady trying too hard to sound professional but the whole store was mess (out of control). I saw many people leaving the shop even though they found what they wanted from the store. Please avoid this J Crew Factory.

  • Tyler Lund

    Tyler Lund


    A nice big store with a decent selection of clothes, more similar to the selection that you'd find at the normal store than at most outlet stores. Still, the "deals" are sometimes pretty poor and some of the selection is not up to the quality of the normal store. You may be better off going to the real store and looking for sales.

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