Jays School Uniforms i Jersey City

Forenede StaterJays School Uniforms



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540, West Side Avenue, 07304, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-332-0576
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Latitude: 40.7192916, Longitude: -74.082562

kommentar 5

  • Aziza Alimova

    Aziza Alimova


    Very nice ladies, helpful and caring. The showed me everything, suggested and helped pick up my childs uniform.

  • en

    rachel ramos


    I loved the experience at Jays School Uniform . There are three lovely ladies, they will attend you with love and care and they make sure that what you want fits okay . I recommend Jays School Uniform to anyone.You will be satisfied 100 %

  • Kimberly Eley

    Kimberly Eley


    I wanted to pick up my daughters school uniforms rather than order online and I'm glad I did. I met 3 lovely ladies who were extremely helpful getting my daughters uniforms all picked out. I arrived less than 20 minutes before closing and they were able to get her school patches and logos on all items we picked, except for the sweater which we will go back for tomorrow. They had a variety of shirts, sweaters, pants, etc. which made it easy to select certain things based on fabric quality vs. budget. I enjoyed me experience and will be back for future uniform purchases.

  • gour shome

    gour shome


    Wish I could give zero star, they are inefficient bunch having really good connection with charter schools and enjoys complete monopoly - avoid like plague

  • en

    Manisha Patel


    They are very slow,we called them for our order they said they gonna give a call back but didnot get any...they said order will be ready in one week but it was not...customer service is very poor...

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