Jay's Discount Liquors w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneJay's Discount Liquors



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6050, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-499-6688
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8405163, Longitude: -73.3065229

komentarze 5

  • en

    Hann Bit


    I work next door to this liquor store and let me tell you... they are a nightmare!!!! Do not give them business if you can avoid it. My co worker is 22 and she went in there to buy alc from him and she gave him her ID and he saw her old permit in her hand because she went thru her wallet and he grabbed it out of her hand without asking thinking she was giving him her fake. As well, the men who were unloading his shipment truck (he does not pay them the truck driver does, but they're still working for his shop at this moment) harassed me through my front store window blowing kisses at me and talking to me while I'm working. I went to him to tell him and he did not care "because they do not directly work for his shop there just unloading shipment" ans laughed continuously when I said I felt uncomfortable. so I called the police and he got mad... he does not care about young women being harassed in their work place.

  • en

    Nikhil Chaudhri


    Good prices

  • en

    Brianna Rufrano


    My mother just went into this store made a purchase and the women behind the counter was very rude My mother or family will NEVER come back in here again.

  • en

    Shealene Dean


    The man who owns it is amazing when you get to know him. Be friendly, I've gotten t shirts glasses free liquor for just being a decent human being and being friendly towards he family

  • Farid Charkhian

    Farid Charkhian


    The owner is a real mean guy. His wife is better and can at least say hello. This guy barely speaks English and has a real bad attitude. I have been buying from this place since I moved to the neighborhood 10 years ago. The stock boy he has knows me and I always ask him questions rather than the owner. I bought a coconut juice to make pina colada. This thing was horrible and actually sour instead of being sweet. It only costs 6 or 7 bucks so it was not a big deal. I took it back to him when I was going to buy more stuff and told him that this thing doesn't tastes right. He very obnoxiously refused to either take it back or give me a break. I left the drink on his counter and told him to get rid of it and walked out. I am never going back. I'd rather spend a dollar or so more but not give this guy my business.

najbliższy Sklep alkoholowy

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