Jay-Dee Cafe w Alhambra

Stany ZjednoczoneJay-Dee Cafe



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1843, West Main Street, 91801, Alhambra, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 626-281-6887
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0917386, Longitude: -118.1442273

komentarze 5

  • en

    Oscar Coroy


    Great prices for beer, 50 cent pool table games, and an overall good environment. Great little bar with good hamburgers! Oh and they have darts lol!

  • sherry Lewis

    sherry Lewis


    Love the place every last Saturday of each month! Awesome band!

  • Minnie Beans

    Minnie Beans


    Keep in mind, dive bars are not my scene. Bartenders didn't really pay too much attention to non-regular but to people celebrating their birthday they have a lot of love and shout outs. But they were nice. I went on a Saturday night, they had live music and a DJ. The music was good. The pool table was covered and used by the DJ. They had darts off to the side but they were blocked as they had to move tables and chairs around for the live music. A piece of the ceiling fell down as I went into the ladies room. From someone who works in food safety, their restroom was pretty disgusting but I don't expect much for a dive bar. The towel situation is just weird. One of the doors was hard to close. The toilet paper area was broken. The scene is definitely an older crowd. Honestly it was a bit crowded for live music. They had to push the tables around. The hallway between the ladies restroom and the bar left little room for passing as people sat and stood by the bar. They only served Guinness by the bottle, which wasn't horrible but is the biggest reason I wouldn't go there again anytime soon. Cash only and they do have an ATM machine. Wasn't the worst but definitely not the best.

  • Annette Vanila

    Annette Vanila


    I have enjoyed going to this Cafe for more than 30 years. I meet friends for a good cold draft beer & enjoy watching the sports on their big screen tv & relax.

  • Desiree Fae

    Desiree Fae


    Little did they know when I walked into this place that I have one of the most viewed profiles on Yelp and Google Maps for my photography. I was there on a Thursday night and when I first arrived I didn't know I could go in the front door because it look like desolate. As I walk to the back being handicapped by the way I walked all the way to the back of the building the head waitress walked right past me and said nothing not a high not a hello not a how you doing Welcome to our establishment she obviously knew I was coming in there she blazed by me and said nothing. As I walk into this place I almost fell because they have a dip that you don't see and that is poorly labeled because it's so worn and torn. The drink was just okay and my beer was kind of warm to be honest. When I asked the food people how long do they stay open the waitress says to me well I don't know your Steelers fan so yeah! Refuse me service because I was a Steelers fan. Not knowing who I was and how amazing I am and how popular I am. I walked away and said okay very calmly. I had two double shots of whiskey that will warm and two bottles of beer that were warm this is seriously one of the worst bars in LA and that's coming from a woman who shoots a rock and roll bands for a living so I know my bars and this bar is not a good one I will never ever go back.

najbliższy Bar

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