Jason Rosenfeld D.M.D. Pediatric Dentistry w Butler

Stany ZjednoczoneJason Rosenfeld D.M.D. Pediatric Dentistry



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1395, New Jersey 23, 07405, Butler, Morris County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-838-0093
strona internetowej: www.jasonrosenfelddmd.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.995651, Longitude: -74.35247

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bernard P


    Dr Jay and his staff are extremely friendly. This office is made just for children. My 6 year old hates dentists, but this office took the fear out of her and made her so comfortable she felt like she was home.

  • en

    Mary Nicholls


    I have been taking my son Benedict to see Dr Rosenfeld since he was very young. Dr Rosenfeld and his staff are wonderful, attentive and ensures your child will have the best experience. The atmosphere is very kid friendly and appointments are easy to make. Office hours are convenient and the entire staff is polite, courteous and friendly. Dr Rosenfeld speaks with me at end of each appointment to let me know how my son's dental is. Overall I appreciate everything they do to ensure each appointment for child and parent are great.

  • Nancy Simon

    Nancy Simon


    Dr. Rosenfeld makes the kids feel right at ease. I have three children, and they all are comfortable going to the dentist and being there because of it. I've also been very pleased with his proactive approach. He really understands kids and what they need to be healthy and comfortable.

  • Donna Popowich

    Donna Popowich


    We love Dr. Jason! He is so kind and gentle with my kids. We have been going there for almost 10 years! He is so patient with the kids, and makes them feel comfortable. He really turned mine into true dental patients who love going to see Dr. Jason and his staff. I am the pickiest mom when it comes to doctors for my kids, and I highly recommend Dr. Jason. I've been to other ped dentists, and he is truly the best!

  • en

    Andrew Sayles


    I've been taking my two boys to Dr. "Jay" for over a year. My youngest son was not a fan of dentists due to a bad experience having a cavity fixed the year before. I didn't think he would ever come around. Dr. Rosenfeld was very understanding of our situation and gave us a plan to turn him into a "dental patient." Now, more than a year later, the same boy who would kick, scream, cry and fight over the dentist goes there happily! It's a great environment, with caring staff and an excellent pediatric dentist. I would recommend to everyone.

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