Jaman L Kim, CPA, PC w West Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneJaman L Kim, CPA, PC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

455, Sunrise Highway, 11795, West Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-321-8370
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.723178, Longitude: -73.295609

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rahkiah Lyn


    The best and cares about his clients

  • en

    Michael Schneider


    Jaman has not only helped maximize my tax returns each year, but he is the best business planner/consultant that I know of. He has helped strategically guide me and improve my business and maximize my profits over the years. He also incorporated QuickBooks into my business which has been very helpful. I have referred many people to him and every one of them has thanked me for the referral. I would not hesitate to refer him (and his great staff) in the future.

  • en

    Craig Spagnoli


    We have multiple businesses and have worked with Jaman since 2000. I value our relationship, trust Jaman implicitly, and consider myself lucky to have had him as my account, advising me for so many years. He returns all calls and emails promptly and provides sound advice, and very effective tax planning. I can't say this about too many people I deal with day-to-day, and would highly recommend him.

  • Lou Amico

    Lou Amico


    I first met Jaman Kim about 18-19 years ago when I was working with an older more traditional accounting firm. Jaman helped us go digital and ended up representing several of the partners along with our multiple businesses. Everyone I have referred Jaman to loves him and thanks me for bringing him into their lives. I moved to North Carolina in 2003 and still would only have him and his firm do my accounting. Jaman doesn't only understand accounting he understands business and entrepreneurship. He is bright and a relentless worker.

  • en

    RJ 333


    I have had the pleasure to have all my accounting and business consulting with Jaman Kim CPA for over 10 years. As a CEO of over 9 diversified companies I needed someone who is not only knowledgeable but able to handle the complex tax strategies that are ever changing. Jaman not only knows and understands the tax laws but how they need to be applied to my businesses .As I have had to deal with numerous CPA's over the years ,Jaman stands out without peers.His staff has always been able to provide the quick answers sometime needed. Jaman newest addition ....Andrew has become a very valuable asset and is following the same level of knowledge and sevices that Jaman Kim CPA has always provided. I hold them in the highest regard and appreciate the services and advice received over the past 10 years.

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