Jake's Ice Cream w Atlanta

Stany ZjednoczoneJake's Ice Cream



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660, Irwin Street Northeast, 30312, Atlanta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 678-705-7945
strona internetowej: www.jakesicecream.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7578326, Longitude: -84.365336

komentarze 5

  • en

    Peter Cabrel


    I overheard two women discussing Jake's Ice cream: "Jake's gives You more and tastes better." Exactly!!! 🍧😋

  • Kyle Rogers

    Kyle Rogers


    Creative ice cream flavors in an in-town neighborhood setting. Right next to the Eastside Beltline at Irwin Street. If you're not walking or biking, there are a few parking spaces out front, and street parking nearby.

  • en

    Jessica Dillard


    One of my favorite places to get ice cream in Atlanta. Definitely get the Chocolate Slap Yo Momma, Brown Sugha vanilla, and Animal cookie. The quality of service and presentation of the shop has gone down recently, not sure if management changed or what but the ice cream is still good.

  • en

    Kate Uggla-Gervais


    I always wanted to go here so maybe I was too excited but came in around 8PM... asked about the different sundae options suggested online, was told they were out of all toppings. I was also told they were out of strawberry ice cream... and I’m not sure if it’s made daily so again I kind of just moved on with my life. We ended up leaving empty handed... I am okay with not finding what I want but the floors were all very sticky and surfaces pretty dirty and overall I was really unimpressed. There was quick and easy parking though which was a plus.

  • Abriah Marshall

    Abriah Marshall


    Very expensive ice cream for the amount of servings. I paid almost 5 dollars for a kids size cup that was not even filled up , I ask the cashier if this is how the portion serving are on a daily basis he replied and said yes, if you want more you have to go to the 8 dollar size, I said wow 8 dollars, no I will not pay 8 dollars no matter how good the ice cream is supposed to be, your best off going to busters and paying 10 dollars for 2 pints and be satisfied more then getting 2 scoops of ice cream in a kids cup for 5 dollars, trust me it's not worth the money. So when i finally got my ice cream I was thinking I was going to taste something amazing because of the price but it was an average tasting ice cream. It is my first and last time going to this location. Just not worth the money, maybe the company needs to move out with the old money and in with a newer version of today economy.

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