Jaeliz Dominican Beauty Salon en Amityville

Estados UnidosJaeliz Dominican Beauty Salon



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573, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-608-8770
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6925446, Longitude: -73.4219345

comentarios 5

  • Ana McFarland

    Ana McFarland


    They are amazing. My hair was damaged and dead, from me bleaching it. It was extremely dry. I was so hpset about my hair. I went there and the beautician just slayed it and brought it back to life!! My hair has life thanks to them so deff will be going back !!! Thank you so much

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    Tasha W


    The stylist took their time and my daughters hair came out beautiful. We did stay for a few hours but it was worth the wait.

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    Kia Jeffries


    Bombom took great care of me & my hair!! Very nice and clean shop.

  • HurricaneCityCloudBurst !

    HurricaneCityCloudBurst !


    Stylists wear sandals which is unsanitary. I made an appointment once for my daughter to get braids and when I came in I watched the stylists take 3 other clients before me and then tell me I still had to wait for other clients who did not have appointments! I walked out after waiting over an hour and headed to another nicer dominican salon around the corner. If you want to just walk in and wait an unspecified time for a decent blowout this salon could work for you. If you are looking for a high class salon, this is not it.

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    Iva R


    Great place, great staff. Always busy though. One more person working and this would be a 5 star place. Love it!

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