Jade Star w Sun City

Stany ZjednoczoneJade Star



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10050, West Bell Road, 85351, Sun City, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 623-271-9721
strona internetowej: www.jadestaraz.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6396113, Longitude: -112.276124

komentarze 5

  • Kelli Wright

    Kelli Wright


    Great food! We can't understand as regular customers why they don't do more business, especially since they are awesome and NO MSG! You have to come and try it and judge for yourself. They have takeout and delivery too from what we observed.

  • Crystal Scott

    Crystal Scott


    Our lunch spot at work, we eat here at lease once a week! My fav is the kung pao shrimp, so yummy and large portions for lunch and great prices. You can't beat that! The shrimp fried rice is always so packed with a lot of shrimp, so yummy! Love Jade Star!

  • Andrea Davis

    Andrea Davis


    I love this place, ever since I moved to Arizona I have always come to place. The food is amazing

  • en

    Virginia Gillaspie


    Food was very good. Very large portions. Service was great. Very reasonably priced.

  • Kay Jay

    Kay Jay


    I have been coming to this restaurant for 5 years (ever since I moved into the area) and, until the past 6 months, had been pretty happy with their food/service. However, the past two times I have been in I was treated so badly that I will NEVER return again. First of all, the food has gone downhill. Then, I called in a "to go" order, drove to the restaurant, my money was immediately collected unceremoniously (the woman there is very unpleasant) and I was left to sit for 25 minutes. Granted, she had tables to wait on. However, she not only took people their checks, but then killed time and then went back to collect payment and never once checked on my order. By the time I got it and got home (I only live 5 minutes away) it was clear the order had been sitting for a considerable amount of time. I decided that I would try once more, so I went there yesterday and placed the order at the counter. Again, I was barely spoken to and there was only one couple in the restaurant. Then, the man came out of the kitchen with a bag, announced the order, which I acknowledged was mine, and practically threw the bag at me over the counter. I rarely write negative reviews. However, this is unacceptable. It is clear that they have no use for you if you are not going to dine in and leave a big tip. I've got news for Jade Star. One thing you don't have to look far for in this area is a Chinese Restaurant. I am boycotting their restaurant from here on out and, if you care at all about customer service, I would suggest you look elsewhere.

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