Jacob L. Loose Park w Kansas City

Stany ZjednoczoneJacob L. Loose Park



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5200, Wornall Road, 64112, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 816-513-7500
strona internetowej: kcparks.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.031411, Longitude: -94.5944738

komentarze 5

  • en

    Crystal Hovey


    It use to be really nice and no drama. It's gotten a lot more ghetto since the last time we were there last summer. Kids yelling out things they should not be saying. Other kids being racist. Then a huge fight broke out with a group of parents. That's when we left! We were very disappointed!

  • Tamara Clarke

    Tamara Clarke


    As a KC native, I've been coming here since I was a little kid. I think it's the best park in town. If you're a fan of flowers you must check out the rose garden when the roses are in bloom, just beautiful! There's a nice, big playground for kids, a free spray park in the summer, mile-long blacktop track for walking and running, tennis court, a spacious shelter and picnic area, beautiful trees and scenery. A great place for a picnic, or just bring a blanket and lay out on a nice day and watch the clouds roll by.

  • James Borkman

    James Borkman


    Beautiful space, and a great piece of history right in KC. The historical markers are well placed, and you can really get a sense of the battle that took place here. The Rose Garden and Pond are tranquil spaces for relaxing. Great park!

  • Nitish Chaudhari

    Nitish Chaudhari


    This is the best park in KC area. Lots of open space, a nice long trail and nice little lake with a beautiful bridge. It's located in a very nice and peaceful neighborhood as well!

  • Brandon Beyer

    Brandon Beyer


    Ok this review is for the runners. I run this trail several times per week and absolutely love it. The scenery is simply amazing for being in the middle of such an urban area. The trail that rings the entire park is 1.3 miles with about 60 ft of elevation gain. The running path is covered in a black rubber coating that is slightly nicer on the feet than concrete. The lighting on the trail is not great so be warned if you're planning a run after dark.

najbliższy Park

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