Jack In The Box en Phoenix

Estados UnidosJack In The Box



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
3502, West Buckeye Road, 85009, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-353-1660
sitio web: locations.jackinthebox.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4372051, Longitude: -112.1349849

comentarios 5

  • Marisol R.

    Marisol R.


    Last couple of times I've gone they didn't have something that I wanted from the menu and one time I went there they told me they couldn't serve me because the fryer and the grill wasn't working and so which made me think it was pointless for them to be open if they couldn't serve hamburgers or fries which is what they're supposed to be selling. They always make me go back and forth in the drive thru which gets annoying. Only reason I still go there is because is the closest fast food place to my house.

  • en

    Jennifer Ho


    I was very suprised bugers were fresh @ 2 AM. Much better than any Jack in the box near home (gilbert/chandler).

  • Nick Wachowiak

    Nick Wachowiak


    It's really a gamble coming here. I come here mainly because it's close to work. I have gotten a great burger and fries and have also gotten an old cold nasty burger and fries. If you want a quick bite then stop here.

  • jeremy tamayo

    jeremy tamayo


    I have been here a few times before with no issues. Service is always great, food is as expected and as ordered. There's allot off homeless people in the area so they have a 30 min limit on being in the dining area and they have to buzz you into the bathroom.

  • en

    Joe Cool


    This place is pretty clean for the area. It's fast food but the staff is polite. Not too many options in this neighborhood. They are usually pretty fast.

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