Jack Daniels Motors w Fair Lawn

Stany ZjednoczoneJack Daniels Motors



🕗 godziny otwarcia

16-01, McBride Avenue, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-398-1212
strona internetowej: www.jackdanielsmotors.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9492546, Longitude: -74.1302973

komentarze 5

  • Michael Gibson

    Michael Gibson


    Michael Chang was awesome. Thank you Kia service team for all of your help. I used the Jack Daniel's Motors app, to schedule an appointment for a screw in my tire and an oil change. They took my Nissan Rouge in without any questions. The best thing is they even gave my car a wash before I took it. Thank you so much!

  • en

    Carmen Ullua


    Michelle McNoir is outstanding. Every time I go she provides excellent customer service. Thanks Michelle for your effort. It is very much appreciated.

  • en

    Silvio Sartori


    Very professional and friendly service advisors. Great experience.

  • Dennis Solan

    Dennis Solan


    Very friendly and considerate to customers having service. Completed work quickly and went over details thoroughly before and after the service was done.

  • AlBalJR



    I have been a customer of JD for almost 20 years. Always a good sales experience, but the improvement in the service department is the reason for the five star review. If it's routine maintenance or something more, there is no substitute for dealer service. The team at JD is thorough, fair and, most importantly, attentive. They talk to you, work with you and provide a level of attention that money can't buy. I had a rough couple of days with my A4, but they helped me get my car back in shape and charged almost nothing to do it (warranty extensions and courtesy pricing). I'm a very happy customer.

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