J M Financial Associates w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneJ M Financial Associates


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

12505, Liberty Avenue, 11419, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-835-0005
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6883972, Longitude: -73.8191479

komentarze 2

  • en

    Thomas Libretti


    I've been going to JM Financial for 10+ years now. Randall and His father (rest his soul) have always provided excellent service with the out most professionalism. Randall has taken great care of my financial records and always provided a fair and straight forward approach. He has also provided me with sound advice and made all tax related inquires much clearer to understand while being extremely organized. It's been an A+ experience from day one!

  • Dawn Annerson

    Dawn Annerson


    When I first utilized the services of John Maharaj (the person that runs this business) things were great. He had my tax return ready the same day I submitted it to him. However, the next year when I utilized his services he was extremely unprofessional. For starters, when I arrived with my tax documents John Maharaj began to rant that the IRS was looking into his previous tax returns and several of them were being audited. As a result he was under extreme scrutiny and on edge. I was previously made aware by one of my co workers (after the fact) that his business practice is very lax and he did manipulate numbers to get clients back more money, however that is illegal and that is why he came under such scrutiny. Furthermore he smelled like alcohol, and his demeanor was "off" probably due to him being drunk. As a result I informed him I did not want to utilize his services. he began to yell and curse for me to "give him his f'ing money" to the point I had to call the Police. I then proceeded to file a formal complaint. The bottom line is that John Maharaj is extremely unprofessional and has questionable business practices that can potentially get clients audited. I will never utilize his services again, and I strongly recommend that any intelligent individual do the same.

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