J & J Auto Sales and Services en Elmont

Estados UnidosJ & J Auto Sales and Services



🕗 horarios

367, Meacham Avenue, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-492-3222
sitio web: www.jjautosalesny.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6980775, Longitude: -73.690628

comentarios 5

  • en

    manpreet narang


    Worst place. Do not go for NYS inspection. Failed for windshield viper for honda accord 2016. Tried to convince us to change filters and oil change when these new cars show 60 percent oil life remaining inside. I would stay away unless you really looking to get failed car inspection. Stay away. If i had option of posting picture for failed items, i wouldve put the proof. Charged 47, 10 extra for failed inspection. Read the other negative comments. He will try to cover up with a lie. Greedy shop.

  • en

    Justin Singh


    Rip off. They will find any reason to make money and make your day difficult. Avoid. Asked to change car brakes at 15k miles for honda civic.

  • George Brandes

    George Brandes


    Prompt and professional, they will definitely get my business again.

  • en

    h d


    Best shop in the world, took care of all my needs. Nice people.

  • Marissa Gregory

    Marissa Gregory


    My friend told me about his experience at this shop and after hearing it, I will NEVER go there or refer someone to there. He took his BMW there to replace an electrical water pump (almost $1000 cash) but came out with a shorted climate control among some minor issue. The owner refuse to fix the issue and claimed that it might not have been working prior to taking it in...which I know for a fact it had no issues. He told me the owner is knowledgeable of BMWs but his mechanics are probably the issue since they are the ones that physically works on the cars.

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