J & B Cleaners w Hoboken

Stany ZjednoczoneJ & B Cleaners



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111, 14th Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-683-0611
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.753153, Longitude: -74.026679

komentarze 5

  • Michael Schaefer

    Michael Schaefer


    Exceptional customer service. Clothes are always well cleaned, and readily available. They are a true asset to the community.

  • en

    Nami Lee


    I love this place. Very kind and great service.

  • en

    Christine Patruno


    I wouldn’t go anywhere else! Great service and prices.

  • en

    Narin Ahmed


    This is the best dry cleaner's I've ever been to. The moment I walk in every time, I am welcomed with a smile and very professional and cordial service. The last time I dropped off a bunch of items, the owner text messaged my husband (whose number was on file) with a picture of one of the coats I dropped off , showing him that a button was missing. He said that if i still had it, they would sew it for me for free when I come back to pick up the clothes!!! I was so impressed and was even more amazed to find that when I went to pick the items up a few days later, the owner and his sister immediately recognized me and asked me if I had brought the button. They noticed my car was parked outside with flashers on, so the owner told me to go ahead and sit in my car so that I wouldn't get a ticket. He grabbed all of my dry cleaned clothes, opened the door for me to exit, even opened my car door for me - and loaded up all the clothes in the back seat!! Then, literally ONE minute later, he returned to my car to deliver the coat back to me with the sewn button!!! I have no idea how his sister sewed it so fast ( I checked later and it was sewn perfectly). For a place that has many many customers, I couldn't believe I was treated with such personalized service. These people deserve a medal for best run dry cleaning service in history. I will never go anywhere else. Five stars, and thensome!!!!

  • en

    Ean Little


    J & B Cleaners provides superb customer service! I’m always greeted by name and with a sincere smile and I’m sure I’m not the only customer who experiences this. There’s simply too many great things to say about J & B Cleaners and the amazing people who manage this location.

najbliższy Pralnia

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