Iwanyshyn Deborah L w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneIwanyshyn Deborah L


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Pittsburgh, PA 15223, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 412-487-1576
strona internetowej: www.iwanyshyn.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5029699, Longitude: -79.9500477

komentarze 1

  • en

    Heather S


    Deborah Iwyanyshn was hired to complete my divorce, which she eventually managed to finalize, but not without constant pushing. However, she failed, at epic proportions with the brutal custody case. Between April 2017 and August 2017 I heard nothing from Iwanyshyn. Deb had a track record of showing up to court unprepared, asking last minute questions that required more than a nod, of the head. She also made it clear that she didn't read my emails and only typically responded only when there was notification of a check being sent. I showed up for a scheduled court hearing on August 4th. I waited for over an hour. I never heard from Iwanyshyn; she never answered my calls, as I desperately looked for her to show up. The case was continued, but she "forgot to inform me." Again, on October 4th, 2017 I asked Iwanyshyn if I needed to attend the scheduled hearing. When she finally replied, she included a statement to opposing council and the guardian ad litem, stating that she was going to be out of town, in Colorado for a conference, and she told them that I was working. I did tell her that I was working, but she failed to include the part that stated I would take off if my presence was required. She never gave me an actual response, or time of hearing. I went to court on August 4, 2017, without representation, but the judge was told I wasn't present and Deb was cited, for a no-show. Deb later stated that she "thought I was going to represent myself." We had never discussed me representing myself, as I never would have agreed to such. Over a week later, Deb finally calls to ask why I didn't go to the hearing. She had no idea that I did, in fact, go to the hearing. When I confronted her for not informing that the hearing was going to go forward without her and pointed out that she never informed me of the date, or time, but I happened to learn on my own, she then got caught in one of many lies, "I was traveling in Europe, thought my email went through." She forgot that she had already said she was going to be in Colorado for a conference. Whether she was in Europe, or Colorado is irrelevant. She was NOT in the courthouse, where I expected her to be. To make matters worse, I received an invoice for services that were never rendered and she has failed to respond to my inquiries regarding the bills that her husband sent, or any questions I have asked pertaining to the case.

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