It's Tax Time en Lindenhurst

Estados UnidosIt's Tax Time


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9, West Hoffman Avenue, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-226-0010
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Latitude: 40.686565, Longitude: -73.3739472

comentarios 5

  • en

    Sarah Michell


    Pete left off the last number of our bank account when filing our returning. Resulting in it being “direct deposited” to god knows where. Pete’s response “it will probably get kicked back from the bank then you should get a paper check.” No offer of any assistance. Disgraceful.

  • en

    R0B C


    Went to tax time for four years with the idea a CPA would avoid mistakes. In the four years he forgot to include the pmi costing me nearly $2,000 in returns and $375 from a competent accountant to put together the addendum. He refused to cover the expense of correcting the error not to mention a increase of his services from $125 to $180 in only four years. Save yourself some time do the research find someone who will work with you even if it is once or twice a year.

  • en

    David Hauser


    Go to see Joe, hes the best at what he does and it very kind and professional, I've never had a problem with any of my returns or business tax dealings.

  • Russ Gordon

    Russ Gordon


  • Suzanne Johnson

    Suzanne Johnson


    Joe is the best!

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