Island Smile Dental Group w Levittown

Stany ZjednoczoneIsland Smile Dental Group



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3072, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-520-5858
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7247601, Longitude: -73.5221744

komentarze 5

  • en

    Katie Smith


    I am so glad that I have found a dentist that I trust and look forward to seeing. Going to the dentist has always been nerve wracking for me. Dr. Mekawy and the staff at Island Smile are wonderful. They are so caring and willing to help in anyway they can. I have recommended the practice to both family and friends.

  • en

    cacy kalech


    If i could give 000 stars I would . They are bad bad business !!!! Bewar

  • en

    Mary Ann Rand


    I took my grand daughter for a root canal yesterday and asked Dr. Macawy to give her a prescription for pain as I have had many root canals in my lifetime and some of them did cause a great deal of pain once the novacain wore off. She refused saying that there is no pain after root canal. My grand daughter was in agony all night last night and we called her and found out her answering machine was full. What kind of doctor is this?When I called this morning I was told she was not in until 2 PM and would call at her convenience. Meanwhile my grand daughter is still suffering. This is totally unacceptable and unprofessional. This is a dental mill who is supposed to be open 24 hours and is not. DO NOT USE THIS DENTIST!

  • Christopher Barrett

    Christopher Barrett


    I was very happy going to his dentist, she explained all that needed to be done to get it all in working order and was very polite, I highly recommend them to anyone.

  • Kathya Avino

    Kathya Avino


    She is awful at what she does, She butchered my tooth. I had a very simple filling done by her and not only it looked like she threw the material on the tooth without even shaping it but it was sensitive for weeks! Also every time I floss the floss would get stuck on the filling, I did not have this problem before she worked on it. She is aawful! DO NOT GO TO HER!!!! The filling doesn't even look like part of the tooth.

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