Island Musculoskeletal Care Pc i Deer Park

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1993, Deer Park Avenue, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-242-8172
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Latitude: 40.7665865, Longitude: -73.330853

kommentar 5

  • Shiryl Dean

    Shiryl Dean


    I have to go with the majority of the reviews here. The last time I was there was in 2015. I'm not able to use the stairs and that was the first thing they were trying to get me to do. I told them I couldn't use the stairs, so they had me waiting in an area for a doctor who really only wanted to see me for a few minutes. The place was packed! I had sprained my left ankle, and it was really really swollen. When the doctor looked at the x-rays, he said he couldn't see anything. And he was going to let me go home just on that quick review of the xray. Then I asked should I get an MRI? And he said, if you want we can do that. Why did I have to ask? After that it took forever for them to get the approval from my insurance company. I went to see them in December, and I didn't get ithe approval back from them until February. That's how long it took for them to come through with it, and I had to keep calling them to ask them what's taking so long. Turns out I had a small fracture in my ankle that they could only see on the MRI. Physical therapy team is great, but service is lacking. So I don't give them a good rating, even though my husband is using them now, but I would never go back to them.

  • Decebal Adamescu

    Decebal Adamescu


    Very crowded place and with lined up chairs like in a public area. Going down on the stairs looked hard for some people that had problems with their bones or musculature. It just gives the impression of trying to see if the patients can make it on the stairs or not so they can see a doctor. It looks more like a clinic for medicare instead of a doctor's office.

  • Adriana Fernandez

    Adriana Fernandez


    Our PCP recommended this place for our 13 months old baby. I called to make the appointment and the lady on the phone was very rude. She wasn’t helpful at all. I asked if she can email me the new patient paperwork to save time the day of the app. Of course she responded in the rudest way ! She said no we don’t do that. I work in a Drs office and we always try our best to please our patients. We fax or email the paperwork. We like to keep our patients happy. After we finish making the appointment I said thank you and she just hang up the phone. How rude is that ? This lady have no education or manners. The next day I thought about it and looked for another pediatric orthopedic. I found one in Northwell Health Pediatrics in Bayshore. I don’t even wanna know how these front desk people was going to treat us. Everything starts from the front desk. I’m sorry but this place is not patient friendly 👎🏻

  • en

    Ana Quintanilla


    Im in a lot of pain due to a ostheortrithis AND they told me that my Dr is gonna see me downstair!!! NO elevators!!! But the person on front desk was rude AND unprofesinal when I asked some questions about another appt with the joint Specialist, I wait more than hour AND a half until I decided to complain with Danna the Team manager . I WENT there because my insurance recomended me that place !!! What a unplacent expirience!!!!shame of you!!!

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    Margo Green


    I was a little disappointed when I first went waiting area was crowed and then to be told I had to walk downstairs THEN back upstairs mind you the problems were with both my knees. I had to get X-rays done to come back and be told that I will have to schedule for a MRI which happened the next following week in a half. Then I had to return twice to get MRI done on both my knees on separate dates which I did not understand. And I was still in pain. finally after I returned in about a week I was then told what the issue was and then given injections. The down side of this all was I waited damn near a month to get relief from the pain I was having to receive 2 shots and to feel comfort.

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